Welcome – PhD students, postdocs, supervisors, faculty, business partners – to the 2019 NorDoc PhD Summit!
This year’s focus will be on the PhDs societal contributions and what to expect by the jobmarket after obtaining your PhD degree. We will announce the programme soon here: http://phd.health.au.dk/aboutus/events/nordocphdsummit2019/
The 2019 Organising Committee looks forward to bringing together PhD students from the Nordics for two days of interaction, networking and scientific discussions.
In the days before the summit (26 – 28 August 2019), we will be hosting a number of scientific three-day PhD courses, one-day workshops on generic topics (grant applications, publishing, etc.) and a 24 hour hackathon focusing on medical devices. We hope to see PhD students from all the Nordic countries. More info here: http://phd.health.au.dk/aboutus/events/nordocphdsummit2019/?fbclid=IwAR0LGMCBWTIQ00s7lKrVobVrDOe59C6JAcG-Z5dlwHHBhr-Pc60gtNTRfpQ