Information from University of Bergen to all staff who’s abroad:
Due to the development of the Covid- 19 outbreak, it has become necessary for UiB to receive updated information as to where our employees currently are working.
As your employer, the UiB is working hard to provide you with a safe working environment. In order to do so we kindly ask that all our employees currently not in Norway, regardless of reason and length of stay, register on this form:
We ask that you give us a feedback no later than 17th April 2020.
This also applies if you were permanently based outside of Norway before the outbreak. Please note that you need to fill in this form even if the stay is in agreement with your unit.
Travel advice for all UiB staff
We reference to UiB’s travel advice for all staff:
We fully understand that it might be difficult to return to Norway because of travel restrictions or the need to stay close to family during this time.
Best wishes,
Siri Smith
Head of Administration/ administrasjonssjef
Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin