The most exciting happening at IGS this month, was the grant from Bergens forskningsstiftelse and the Government of Norway (Norad) resulting in the setup of a new centre at IGS: Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting (BCEPS). Congratulations to professor Ole Frithjof Norheim and his group! Ole Frithjof will be the director of the centre with associate professor Ingrid Miljeteig as deputy director. We will hear more about BCEPS in the months to come.
In the coming months, IGS will arrange some important seminars:
February 12: Application seminar. Planning an application for NFR? This is the seminar for you!
April 25: GDPR seminar: Everything you wanted to know about handling GDPR, DPIA etc etc – this is the place for project leaders of big or small projects.
I look forward to seeing many of you there!