January 2018
Welcome back to the monthly Newsletter from IGS, on a new and better platform!
Stein Emil Vollset, our extremely productive and creative professor in medical statistics, is leaving his position at IGS to start working at the University of Washington. He has been headhunted to pursue his groundbreaking work with the Global Burden of Disease project. However sad it is to see him leave, we are also immensely proud. Good luck over there, Stein Emil!
Several new processes have started or will soon start at IGS:
- The principle organization of IGS has changed into Fagområder/Sections. All scientific personnel is placed in one Fagområde, and Fagområdeleder is your nearest leader.
- A leadership program for all leaders of teaching groups, research groups, sections, administration and leader group of the department is being planned and will take place this year
- Planning of the physical work environment at Helsecampus Årstadvollen (HCÅ) will start next week with the leadership group, and over the next few months will involve all employees at IGS. “Mellomrom” – a company with lots of experience and even research competence on the field, will lead us through the process. More information will come. I feel confident that this process will stimulate our motivation for the relocation to HCÅ.
The newsletter is an important information channel – stay updated!
Guri Rørtveit
Head of Department