As part of the NORPART: EXCEL SMART project, University of Oslo and Jimma University, Ethiopia, developed a MOOC on how to write a PhD proposal. This free, online course is based on a course developed under our NORHED SACCADE project and held by Dr. Jeanette H. Magnus and Prof. Anne Moen several times in Jimma and Addis Ababa.
After two runs of the MOOC in 2019 with over 5000 participants from well over 160 different countries, registration for the next run is now open, starting on Monday, August 17th. This is the last run that has been planned, so far, so it might be wise to grab this opportunity!
Course link (information + registration is found here):
The online course is now open for registration on the FutureLearn platform and runs for four weeks from August 17th. We recommend that all participants start from Week 1, to get the full benefit of interacting with fellow participants as well as with Prof. Moen. Although it will be possible to join the course at any time, throughout the four weeks’ run and even for four weeks after. I.e. deadline for joining will be October 11th.
The course is free and available to participants all over the world as long as you have internet access.
Successful PhD research requires systematic preparation, planning, critical thinking and dedicated work. In this course, the candidates will harness the key elements of the main sections in a research proposal, and solve common challenges when planning and writing a PhD proposal. Participants will learn how to structure, define and present their research idea in writing. During the course, they will be able to develop their own research objectives and sub-questions, argue for their importance, and outline the context and the setup of the study. Although starting from a focus in health sciences much of the content is relevant in other disciplines as well.
Course link (information + registration is found here):