To all students and employees,
The Christie Conference will take place on April 27th. I am pleased to invite you to the conference which will be digital, and participation is free of charge this year.
I hope you would like to attend, whether you are a student or staff at the University of Bergen.
The Christie Conference is one of Norway’s most important meeting places for academia and business, culture and society. We invite guests and participants from business, cultural life, the public sector and NGOs. This year’s conference is in collaboration with Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).
Some of the sessions will be held in English, such as the first session with keynote speaker John van Reenen.
The theme for the Christie Conference 2021 is “The New Economy”.
The “new economy” provides us with a range of so-called “super-star” companies. Google is more than a search engine, and Amazon is more than an online bookstore. Can we imagine our neighbourhood grocery store replaced by a super star delivering everything we need to our doorsteps? Arguably, this development presents great opportunities and potential efficiency gains, but it also changes society and makes us more vulnerable in certain areas.
What consequences will this development have for the Nordic Welfare Model? How can we secure the tax revenues of the welfare state in this context, and how can we protect our personal data? Does this development make us more vulnerable for corruption and fraud?
Heartily welcome to this year’s Christie conference!
Best regards
Rector Margareth Hagen