Gilead Sciences Nordics proudly announces the sixth year of the Gilead Sciences Nordic Fellowship Programme. Funding this year will total SEK 3,000,000 to projects executed in the Nordic countries.
The aim of the Gilead Sciences Nordic Fellowship Programme is to award financial grants to encourage the development, exploration and dissemination of new ideas, generating best practice in the delivery of patient-centred care in three areas – HIV, liver diseases (LVD), and hematology/oncology (ONC). Evidence generated from Fellowship projects provides the opportunity to shape public health policy and practice, or to generate new studies or joint ventures to shape clinical care pathways. The projects supported under the Gilead Sciences Nordic Fellowship Programme are independent of the use of any particular therapeutic agent.
Please see the attached brochure for further details about the fellowship program – the topics for this year, the application timeline etc. Also, please note, that proposals that meet the criteria for a clinical trial under the EU Clinical Trials Directive 2001/20/EC cannot be funded under the fellowship program.
Gilead Sciences Nordic is committed to supporting local initiatives which ultimately improve patient care and we look forward to receiving completed applications over the next few months.
If you have any questions then please contact us at
2018 Guidance to applicants FINAL
2018 Letter to applicants FINAL
Fellowship_Program_2018_A4_180309 FINAL