Horisont 2020 Proposal Writing workshop – Thematic Focus in Bergen

Course in Bergen: A Level-2 Horizon 2020 workshop intended for those who know about the H2020 programme, its funding schemes and have already submitted at least one H2020 proposal as a partner or as a coordinator.
Place: Havforskningsinstituttet
Starts: 05.03.2019 09:00
Ends: 06.03.2019 15:00

The 2-day workshop/course includes:
Hands-on approach: The course will start with a short introduction to the H2020 proposal template sections and what/how to write under each section under the main funding schemes: CSA, RIA, IA.

Concept workshop: Based on a specific open call for proposals You will draft the objectives, work plan, partnership, outputs and outcomes for your project.

Impact and Exploitation workshop: You will draft the Expected Impact section and identify the best scenario for exploitation and IP strategy.

Dissemination and Communication workshop: Participants will define the relevant target groups and the most appropriate dissemination and communication tools, channels and strategies for disseminating and communicating the results of the project with a view to maximizing its impact.