This mail goes to all students and employees at The Faculty of Medicine
The government has decided to continue the measures against the Corona epidemic until April 13th. The University of Bergen will continue to be locked down. This applies that:
- The digital teaching will continue
- The students set up for practice teaching shall have it
- The university buildings will remain closed for all except those already allowed entrance
- If someone should be in need of being allowed into a UoB buildings, for more that only picking up some items, they can apply for entrance to the head of his/her department. The final approval will be given by the UoB administration.
More information:
I would also like to remind you about the following rules that apply to MED employees who are asked to help out in the health care system:
- The Faculty of Medicine is positive to provide help
- Such help can only be given after an application to the head of the department at which the person in question works. The head will then check if applicants work tasks in teaching, research etc can be taken over by someone else
- An agreement for each person will then be set up. The person will be given leave without payment for a specified period of time. The hospital or municipality in question will take over the responsibility for employment, and salary.
- It is important to note that it is not for the employment to decide if he or she can start working for others as long as he/she is employed by the UoB.
- These rules have been agreed upon between The Faculty of Medicine and the municipality of Bergen, Helse-Bergen, Helse- Stavanger, Helse-Fonna, Helse-Førde, Haraldsplass.
- This epidemic may go on for a long time. The need for health care workers may increase. It is important not use all the ammunition in the first round
- If the health care system should fall apart, there will be a question of ordering all health care workers to service. In such a situation other rules than those above will apply.
Per Bakke