I have been Head of Innovation at Department for global public health and primary care for three months now, and first I want to say how happy I am to have this role. As Head of Innovation I want to be a support to the entire department. I have therefore invited myself to group meetings in the different sections, and I hope to talk to you all during spring. Maybe I can help you identify your innovation potential.
From my home office, I work on one application for EU and one for RCN, and innovation and artificial intelligence is the core in both these applications. It is exiting to work with colleagues from completely different scientific communities, perhaps we will find completely new services and solutions for better health in the future. The Research Council of Norway asks for innovation in most calls now, and the opportunities are many for those with new ideas.
The Faculty wishes to support innovative research involving artificial intelligence and has therefore sent out a survey of this. We appreciate if as many people as possible can respond to the survey.
I hope you have a nice spring at your home office and look forward to seeing all of you again.