7 April 2020: BCEPS hosted a pop-up conference on «Exploring Priority Setting in the COVID-19 Pandemic» on behalf of the International Society for Priorities in Health (ISPH) https://prioritiesinhealth.org/
More than 100 people watched our livestream, while 65 participated via Zoom.
The recorded livestream is available on the BCEPS YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Of4kTo-vvANsw82vPJ5ew
8 April 2020: Bergen Global webinar with Ingrid Miljeteig (BCEPS), Inger Lise Teig (ETØK) and Espen Gamlund (Department of Philosophy) on the topic of health priorities and our relationship with death.
A recorded livestream (in Norwegian) of the event is available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNpuboLWxJg&feature=youtu.be
24 April 2020: Bergens Tidende Norwegian newspaper article on research into corona-related stress among health professionals in West Norway. The project is led by Ingrid Miljeteig (Helse Bergen & BCEPS) and looks at how health professionals experience ethical challenges during the covid-19 epidemic. Link: https://www.bt.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/3Jd0RL/Siste-nytt-om-korona?pinnedEntry=145476&fbclid=IwAR15rnRCXNn0bXS2tFRNKb7Zba0gEnlxvTRGkj88vA_PmYQV_dalsR9-Ex4
APPLICATION DEADLINE 15 May – PhD position at BCEPS: https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/184811/phd-positionbceps?fbclid=IwAR3GR_Q0EIDUdWE_Qa6uk_OIRrgtTNPMztewxce9vSLQSXd2ah-BYYCcvhM