I want to thank Astrid Blystad (HELSEVIT) and Bjarne Robberstad (ETØK) who are stepping down as section leaders (fagområdeledere) after years in those positions. They have both done a great job showing wise leadership in their sections. They will be replaced by Inger Haukenes and Oddvar Kaarbøe, respectively. Welcome to Inger and Oddvar in the leader group at IGS!
Furthermore, Bjarne Robberstad takes 6 months sabbatical, and Bettina Husebø will function as research AND innovation leader at IGS in this period.
Congratulations to Bjarne Robberstad, Esperanza Diaz, and Thorkild Tylleskär, who succeeded in getting grants from the Research Council of Norway this round. Impressive work and tough competition.
Last, but not least: Thanks for an incredibly productive spring term. Take well deserved time off and get back to IGS and Alrek in August with new energy. I wish all a nice summer holiday!