19 March 2020 (NRK)
Korona-strid: Massiv motstand mot alderskriterium
English summary:
The Norwegian Directorate of Health was considering implementing such harsh priorities between patients during the Covid-19 epidemic that it triggered strong reactions among professionals. BCEPS professor Ole Frithjof Norheim writes that it would have been extremely difficult for people to accept the initial proposal. See national news article (in Norwegian).
Published 23 March 2020 (Aftenposten)
Hvem skal dø for å redde liv? | David Teigen
English summary:
«Who will die in order to save a life?» BCEPS research track student, David Teigen, asks this question in an opinion piece published in Aftenposten.
Published 24 March 2020 (BMJ Opinion)
Can we improve the NHS’s ability to tackle covid-19 through emergency public health interventions?
BCEPS researcher Anand Bhopal, together with four UK-based doctors & public health professionals, have explored how to help reduce pressure on limited critical care capacity, suggesting ‘lower the baseline’ preventable hospital admissions through urgent public health interventions. Their ideas have been receiving considerable attention in BMJ Opinion.
Published 24 March 2020 (Aftenposten)
Rangering av helsehjelp er en av de vanskeligste etiske utfordringene vi kjenner | Ole Frithjof Norheim
English summary:
«Prioritisation of health care is one of the most difficult ethical challenges we know»: Ole Frithjof Norheim, professor at Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting (BCEPS), discusses how doctors and other health professionals should prioritise between patients and patient groups if the covid-19 epidemic imposes severe limits on the ability to provide health care (national news article in Norwegian).
Published 25 March 2020 (The Times Newspaper, UK)
Measures to increase capacity in hospitals
Leading ‘Letter to the Editor’ on «Measures to increase capacity in hospitals» from BCEPS researcher Anand Bhopal and UK-based colleagues (se vedlagte bilde). The letter was signed by more than 100 doctors.
Published 27 March by the Petrie-Flom Center, Harvard Law
3 Human Rights Imperatives for Rationing Care in the Time of Coronavirus
By Alicia Ely Yamin and Ole F. Norheim
Published 27 March in VG
Professor om corona-situasjonen i norsk helsevesen: – Det vil bli veldig vanskelige valg
BCEPS’ Ole Frithjof Norheim explains some of the the difficult choices doctors will face if the COVID-19 epidemic worsens (in Norwegian).
Published 30 March, Bergens Tidende:
Prioriteringer på sengekanten
«Priorities at the bedside». Will the covid-19 pandemic force Norwegian doctors to choose between patients? This is the question being asked by BCEPS’ deputy director Ingrid Miljeteig and professor Kjell Arne Johansson together with colleagues from Haukeland University Hospital, Olav Hevrøy (consultant and clinical ethics committee leader) and Hans Flaatten (consultant and professor in intensive care).