2 December: CISMAC webinar, DSMBs – When, Why and How

CISMAC will have a webinar on health equity on Wednesday 02nd of December from 12.30-14.00 CET, this time on DSMBs, when, why and how?

Date: Wednesday 2. December

Time: 12:30-14:00 CET
Title: DSMBs – when and why they are needed, their organization and operation.
Presenter: Jose Martines with experience-sharing inputs from Simon Cousens of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Rajiv Bahl of WHO.

The webinar will be recorded.

(For those of you who want to re-watch the previous webinars, please contact me at ane.straume@uib.no and I will share the recordings with you.)

Zoom meeting: https://uib.zoom.us/j/65360248806?pwd=ZU9WQkx4cjFLYm1BcUx2SG1yYlR4QT09

Meeting ID: 653 6024 8806
Password: 6MaNnfAr
