Interested in presenting your work in one of the tracks for ECTMIH 2021? You are invited to submit abstracts for oral presentations or digital poster presentations at our conference. This is an excellent way to communicate your research, and attendance fees are particularly low for students and PhD-candidates.
Please use this link to register and submit your abstract ECTMIH 2021 – Abstract Submission
Abstracts should have a specific scientific focus and need to be integrated in and relevant to the overall conference theme and to the scientific tracks in the programme for ECTMIH 2021. This year the focus is on Global challenges in health, migration and equity. The theme is explored further in nine scientific tracks in addition to a day fully dedicated to the Coronavirus pandemic:
- Migration, climate and health
- HIV, TB and hepatitis
- Malaria, parasitic, vector-borne and neglected tropical infectious diseases
- OneHealth, antimicrobial resistance, water and sanitation
- Building strong health systems to achieve UHC: the role of rights, governance, technology and priority setting
- Nutrition, NCD’s, oral health
- Mental health and health promotion
- Disasters, accidents, injuries, global surgery and rehabilitation
- Sexual, reproductive and child health and rights
- Taking stock of the Coronavirus pandemic (posters only)
The following guidelines apply:
- Abstract language: English
- Maximum number of words (NOT including authors and affiliations): 300
- Title: maximum 20 words
- The abstract should follow the structure:
- Objective
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
The number of slots for oral presentations are limited and all abstract submissions will be subject to the scientific peer review system. All submissions can expect an answer by May/June 2021.
For any queries, please email us:
Organising Committee ECTMIH 2021