To all PhD candidates at the Faculty of Psychology and Center for International Health,
You are hereby invited to sign up for an elective PhD course offered by GHIG: “Salutogenesis beyond health”, by Marguerite Daniel, Associate Professor at the Department of Health Promotion and Development (HEMIL)
Salutogenesis is a resource-based theoretical approach that departs from the dominant risk factor paradigm. Salutogenesis has most often been applied in health research. During the course, salutogenesis will be applied to social issues beyond health, namely in the fields of development, migration and gender.
Type of course: Subject specific courses
Course dates: 9 May, 6 June and 4 September (Attendance and active participation at all three colloquiums is compulsory)
Course semester: Autumn (assessment will be done in the Autumn semester, teaching Spring and Autumn 2019)
Deadline for registration: April 29, 2019
ECTs: 1
Course description attached HEMIL PhD Course description Salutogenesis
Registration by e-mail to