Kjære IGS
Sett av tiden til et felles (sannsynlig digitalt) seminar i samarbeid med våre gode Alrek-kolleger Institutt for klinisk odontologi (IKO).
23. feb kl 11:00-13:45
Program og zoom-lenke:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting URL: https://uib.zoom.us/j/64909943066?pwd=VHNMaGVxWStXNXd4Z0JwQU12eXBZQT09
Meeting ID: 649 0994 3066
Password: Z+qpQ7tR
Hilsen Bjarne, Daniel og Guri
Please use this link to register:
The program will partially be given in Norwegian and partially in English.
Fellesseminar IKO og IGS 23feb2021
Dear all,
We will arrange a seminar together with our neighbors, Department of Clinical Dentistry. Agenda and zoom link will follow later.
Best wishes from Bjarne, Daniel and Guri