Dear all,
We are happy to announce that the Eitri Medical Incubator ( will be inaugurated on November 1, 2021. We welcome you to build an ecosystem, together with us, where healthcare innovation can thrive. Eitri will be an arena for people transforming healthcare, putting ideas to work. We welcome innovation within drug discovery, diagnostic tool development, medical devices, e-health applications and beyond. We will host startups, industry professionals, clinicians and researchers conducing innovative research with great impact.
Eitri is located on 8th and 9th floor of the BBB (Bygg for Biologiske basalfag) and will be open for guided tours in August and September. Sign up here if you are interested, and, please, remember to indicate your full name and email address. Contact us if none of the offered time slots is convenient for you, we will be happy to schedule additional visits.
If you are conducing innovative research with potential to improve human lives, Eitri may be the best place to bring your project to fruition. At Eitri you will benefit from advising, mentoring and educational events. Moreover, you will learn from likeminded peers and industry professionals surrounding you.
We offer dedicated desks and shared desks that can be used on first come first served basis. If you are interested in joining Eitri community and having a dedicated or shared desk at Eitri, please, fill out the form below to indicate your potential interest by September 15.
Please, contact Maija Slaidina (, 409 96 025) or Torleif Markussen Lunde (, 454 28 780) for more information or scheduling additional Eitri tours.
Wish you a lovely summer and hope to see you at Eitri in after the summer!
Maija and Torleif