Alrek-dagene (Alrek days) Programme – 22-24 Sept.

from Guri and Berit Angelskår: Dear all IGS’ers, Please find the program for Alrek-dagene (Alrek days) attached – happening September 22-24. Alrekdagene kortprogram ENDELIG The program includes seminars, film, researchers night etc, covering topics of interest for everyone. This gives you the opportunity to get to know other groups and people at the Alrek Health Cluster. Please note that you have to register with this link: More information in Norwegian from cluster facilitator Berit below. Clear your calendar and join the festival! Kortprogrammet til Alrekdagene 2021. Komplett program blir publisert på så snart vi er klare med all Continue reading Alrek-dagene (Alrek days) Programme – 22-24 Sept.